Storytelling for Amazon Prime Video

In this cooperation project between FH Münster and the PR DACH department of Amazon Prime Video, we explored the intersection of data, visualization, and narrative with basic principles and methods of Information Design and a user-centered design process.


The task was to support the client’s PR activities for their flagship streaming series The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power with an infographics poster. While its storyline was still under a strict non-disclosure agreement at the time (April 2020) and the briefing on the requirements for the project was consequently fairly meager,

the challenge was on one hand to come up with an idea that would match the release in any case. On the other hand, the hurdle was to explain to the client why exactly this product would be promising for their PR activities.


Out of eight pitches for three different Amazon series, my project partner Justin Peschanel and I were awarded first place for our product pitch of The Travelguide to Middle Earth (2nd era edition).

Based on our findings from qualitative interviews, our goal was not to treat the franchise as just another fantastical, made-up story for ‘mainstreamers’ to dive into, but to give Tolkien’s work the respect its fan base desires. The result was a Destination Branding with cross-media communication tools to capture visitors’ attention and evoke a nostalgic feeling among fans. The poster acts like a portal: it invites the viewer to get an overview of the depth of Silmarillion (the story-based book), with the option to deepen their knowledge on the eBook version.

I was responsible for conceptualizing the cross-media communication tools, which consisted of a kindle eReader as a digital version of the poster and a bookmark for the press kit. I also illustrated the thumbnails and graphics from scratch, while Peschanel took care of their rendering into vector graphics and the post-processing to create a coherent overall picture. I also wrote the copy for all media, while Peschanel took care of their typesetting and layout. Fact-based research was divided equally in advance.


Even though the project was created as part of the curriculum at FH Münster and is not a work made public by Amazon, it was interesting to collaborate with a real client at an early stage and go through the process of Design Thinking with the target audience in mind.

"This was one of my favorite presentations! Congrats again and thanks for your support." — Michael Ostermeier, Head of Entertainment PR DACH, Amazon

Client: University Project in cooperation with Amazon Prime Video
Skills: Storytelling, Destination Marketing, Place Branding, Information Design, Design Thinking

Doe in Boots Design

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